Student Profile Analysis is a comprehensive process that involves the examination and evaluation of various aspects of a student's academic performance, behavior, and personal characteristics.
Getting admitted to a reputed foreign university and cracking visa interviews are no easy tasks. You need to have a strong profile to get in
In Student Profile Analysis, we go through your entire academic history and understand your desires, financial stability, communication, and other soft skills to understand where you stand today.
Our experts point toward your strengths and weaknesses and provide honest yet gentle opinions on how best to move forward.
- Academic Performance Evaluation: Review and analyze the student’s academic transcripts including grades, courses taken, and overall GPA. Identify Strengths and weaknesses, trends in performance, and areas for improvement.
- Career Aptitude Assessment: Conducting assessments to help students identify their interests and skills, and then providing insights into suitable career paths. Explore the Student’s career aspiration and how studying abroad aligns with their future goals.
- College/ University Matching: Assist students in finding the best-fit colleges or universities based on their academic profile, preferences, and career goals.
- Personal Statement/Essay Assessment: Analyze the student’s statement or essay to understand their motivations, goals, and unique qualities.
- Career Counseling: Offering one-on-one counseling sessions to help students explore career options, set goals, and develop strategies for achieving them.
- Skill Development Workshops: Workshops on improving core development skills needed for studying abroad such as time management skills, communication skills, and networking skills.